Social Media Manager & Designing Terms & Conditions

  1. The client agrees to provide all necessary information and assets, including but not limited to logos, images, and content, to Let's Manage India Private Limited for use in social media management and design services.

  2. Let's Manage India Private Limited will create and manage social media accounts on behalf of the client, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms as requested by the client.

  3. The client acknowledges that Let's Manage India Private Limited does not guarantee specific results from social media management and design services, including but not limited to increases in followers, engagement, or sales.

  4. Let's Manage India Private Limited reserves the right to decline social media management and design services to any client at any time.

  5. The client agrees to grant Let's Manage India Private Limited access to all necessary social media accounts and platforms for the purpose of managing and designing social media content.

  6. Let's Manage India Private Limited will create and schedule social media content on behalf of the client, including but not limited to text, images, and video content.

  7. The client agrees to provide timely feedback and approval for all social media content created by Let's Manage India Private Limited. Failure to provide feedback or approval may result in delayed or missed social media posts.

  8. The client agrees to maintain ownership and responsibility for all content posted on social media platforms by Let's Manage India Private Limited on their behalf.

  9. The client acknowledges that Let's Manage India Private Limited will not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from social media management and design services, including but not limited to lost sales or reputation damage.

  10. Let's Manage India Private Limited may terminate social media management and design services at any time with written notice to the client.

  11. The client may terminate social media management and design services at any time with written notice to Let's Manage India Private Limited. Any prepaid subscription fees paid for services will not be refunded.

  12. In case of non-payment or default in payment, Let's Manage India Private Limited may suspend or terminate social media management and design services immediately.

  13. The client acknowledges that all social media content created by Let's Manage India Private Limited on their behalf may be subject to copyright and other intellectual property laws. The client agrees to obtain all necessary permissions and licenses for the use of any third-party content included in social media posts.

  14. The client agrees to indemnify and hold Let's Manage India Private Limited harmless from any claims or liabilities arising from the client's use of social media management and design services, including but not limited to claims of copyright infringement or defamation.

  15. Let's Manage India Private Limited may use social media content created for the client in its own promotional materials or on its website with the client's consent.

  16. The client must inform Let's Manage India Private Limited about any desired revisions before granting final approval. Revisions are limited to three iterations per post. Once the client approves the content, subsequent revisions are not permissible.

  17. The client acknowledges that Let's Manage India Private Limited may use third-party tools and services to provide social media management and design services, including but not limited to scheduling and analytics tools

  18. Posting Schedules:
    a. Upon activation of the subscription, Let's Manage India will provide tentative schedules through the WhatsApp Group Description.
    b. The schedules shall be based on the selected plan, offering a guideline for content posting on social media platforms.

  19. Schedule Flexibility:
    a. The proposed schedule serves as a reference and may experience occasional delays or preponements due to unforeseen circumstances or festive seasons.
    b. Let's Manage India reserves the right to modify schedules for optimal performance or to accommodate client-specific requirements.

  20. Christmas and the New Year:
    a. For customers subscribed to regular, business, or custom plans (excluding advanced plans), postings will be limited to Christmas and New Year greetings during the festive season.
    b. Regular posts will be on hold during the Christmas and New Year period, with normal posting schedules resuming on January 3rd each year. c. This temporary adjustment is made to manage the higher workload and ensure quality posts for the festive season.

  21. The client acknowledges that Let's Manage India Private Limited may modify these terms and conditions at any time with written notice to the client.

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